
Pokemon that have a 12.5% chance of being female
In this case, the Pokemon will be female if the number found above is between 0 and 30 inclusive, otherwise it will be male.
Pokemon that have a 25% chance of being female
In this case, the Pokemon will be female if the number found above is between 0 and 63 inclusive, otherwise it will be male.
Pokemon that have a 50% chance of being female
In this case, the Pokemon will be female if the number found above is between 0 and 126 inclusive, otherwise it will be male.
Pokemon that have a 75% chance of being female
In this case, the Pokemon will be female if the number found above is between 0 and 190 inclusive, otherwise it will be male.


♀:♂比率 ♀性別値 ♂性別値
1:7 0~30 31~255
1:3 0~63 64~255
1:1 0~126 127~255
3:1 0~190 191~255
